Monday, November 5, 2007

Great Workout

I went to Taman Pertanian Malaysia in Shah Alam.
As I've said,
it's time to keep fit now.
So a whole gang of us went there to cycle.
We rented 10 bicycles lerr!!
It's really tiring as there are hills and slopes,
and we need to cycle up and down.
10 persons cycling together,
racing together.
I really had fun.
It was really excited!
Never had this experience before.
After all,
we cycled for about 3 and a half hours wei!
We got lost in the huge Taman Pertanian,
luckily we had map and got to go to the exit successfully.
I was really exhausted.
At night,
my leg muscles pain!
I strecthed my muscles too much.

My sister and I wanted to take picture but failes to get a nice one.

Huh? What are you doing?
Imagine if this "blackie" is a man? Hahaha.
My brother and I.Hey Mat Rempit!
Look like professionals? No way~

Me and my sis.
Arrgh~ I'm gonna eat you up!

Me and Ben.
Me and Louis.
Stupiak~ Hahaha.
Wuu huu.. acting cool~
Hey I'm capturing you as well~

My sister and brother. Lovely siblings~

Again both of us~
oh 3 lame posers!
It looks real if without the lighting up there.

My brother is dancing!

Captured at a tower.

Hahaha. Laughing so natural~

~Nature Green~


Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.

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