Here she is ! The birthday girl .
Eva , b.Chie , b.Leng and the b'day girl Yenny!
Posted by qiqi89 at 11:04 PM 0 comments
经常被问起:“有没有 男朋友 啊?”
每次都会有好多 感觉 涌上心头!
心酸 吗?不完全是啦!
觉得自己 失败 吗?好像 有,又好像 没有。
丢脸 吗?还没到这么 严重 的地步啦。
反而有时还觉得 庆幸
因为没有 恋,就没有 失恋,
更不会有失恋的 苦 和 痛 。
普通 男性朋友 就 一大堆 !
为什么大家都总爱问这个 敏感 的问题咧?
冤枉 到~!!!
不止朋友爱问,连亲戚都会问 同样 的问题。
而且还是 一模一样 的答案!
有时真的会仔细想,到底真的是我 眼光太高 吗?
我 挑剔 吗?
还是我的 长相 出了问题?
又或是我的 个性 ?
我自问不是非常 漂亮 ,但还算 过得去 吧!
朋友都说我像 男生 。
声音 低沉 又 不会 撒娇,
个性 独立 又 固执 、逞强、好胜,
稍微比我矮的都 调头走 了!
还没开始就 退缩 了啦。。。
还有更好笑的就是说我 不会 放电?!
走路不看人,好像很 高傲?!
什么 缺点 都 曝光 了!我认啦!
但 身高 绝对不是我的错!
嗯。。。还有 声音低沉 也不是!
天生 的嘛!难道要怪 妈妈 吗?
不过, 话说当天。。。
单身女子 睡 双人床 会 嫁不出去!
他还叫我换 单人床 来睡!
蛮 幽默 一下的咯!
要是 二十多接近三十岁 还 单身 的话,
才 考虑一下 他说的话!哈哈!
单身会不会觉得 孤单?
反正都单身十九年了,习惯 就好!哈哈!
有时候还是会觉得 寂寞 的。。。
当然是被朋友 抛弃 的时候啦!
是 重色轻友 的朋友。。。哈哈!
他们 开开心心 去 拍拖 的时候,
就是我一个人 呆在家 发霉 的时候咯!
好 烦 哦!到底 单身 好?还是 不好 呢?
还是 随缘 吧~!!
Posted by qiqi89 at 9:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: inner feeling of mine ...
闷 闷 闷 !!!
Sien Sien Sien !!!
难得放假 却换来一股 闷气 。。。
看我最近常用 华语 来写 部落,
就知道我有多 空闲 咯!
唉 。。。
不 放假 还好,一放假总觉得生活 好 空虚,
每天醒来 好像没有了 人生目标。
总是会在 忙碌 时想 放假,
在 悠闲 时却又想变得 忙碌 。。。
是不是很 犯贱?
算起来,我好像才刚放了 两星期 的假,
但我总觉得这两星期似乎很 漫长。。。
仔细 算一算,
我的假期还有 两个月 呢!!
日子真的 难熬 !!
虽然有做“Part time”,
看电视 / 戏?
突然觉得 一个人 看戏是很 孤独 的!!
电视节目不止没有精彩的,甚至还不断 重播!!
再看下去,我连他们的 台词 都会背啦!
最好我是真的有 钱 到可以天天 疯狂购物,
但就算是,一个人 逛,始终还是很 寂寞 !
朋友,我总不能天天 睡 吧?!
我可不是 北极熊 ,不会 冬眠 啊!
更何况,马来西亚 常年都是 夏天!
没机会冬眠。。。 ==''
好死不死,家里的“wireless router”又搞 脑震荡,
抛弃 我!
结果 家里的霸王弟弟整天坐在可以“online”的电脑前,
我现在就连想在 部落格 发泄 闷气 都难!
ccL ,你尽管取笑我吧!
不错!我是终于体会到这种 闷到爆 的生活啦!!!
Posted by qiqi89 at 11:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: inner feeling of mine ...
Posted by qiqi89 at 9:02 PM 0 comments
Today kena ffk by two 'beloved' friends!
Guess who?
Jun Yih and Huai Foong a.k.a small voice!
Lol.. Never mind.
I forgive you ... ...
Since one of you were busy doing assignment
while the latter has fell sick.
At first thought of going to sing K,
but without 'singing kaki's, we changed plan.
Hui Mun and I went to One Utama,
for present-hunting mission!
Mother's day present ... ...
Jun Yih's birthday present ... ...
The whole day was just about looking for present
and eating of course~!
I was eating non-stop,
as if wanna relieve stress after my final exam!
Alex did join us for a while after his class too.
Before we left, we actually thought of going to Jun Yih's house,
to give birthday surprise for him in advance.
We bought a small cake,
nonono... ... to be specific, it's a strawberry tart from Bakerzin.
Haiz. Luckily we called him before going there,
he was doing assignment in his friend's house!
Never mind la Jun Yih,
since you were not at home,
we helped you to eat the tart ~
That's what best friends for...
wakakaka xD
Don't worry,
I've snap a photo of the beautiful tart that you missed!
Posted by qiqi89 at 10:59 PM 0 comments
Guess what I did today?
Yes I went back to trop.
Trop? Not tropical forest don't worry,
(although it looks like one),
trop - Tropicana, my ex high school.
I actually went back to collect my stuffs.
To be more specific,
They are ... ...
the so called school magazine and my certificates.
Wondering why did I mention so called school magazine?
If you are the one getting this kind of work,
I guess you will have the same reaction as mine.
Tell you what,
the photos in the so called magazine are blur~!!
Can't even see faces of people in the photos!
So what's the point of having this school magazine
since I cannot see the faces clearly?
In fact, I won't get to recognize anyone from the school
after 20 or even 10 years.
Am I right?
Disappointed with it !
One more thing which made us, the Tropicanianz, geram is
we've been waiting for this so called magazine for
We've been running in and out of the school,
begging for the magazine for hundred times,
or maybe thousands? Who knows might be more than that?
What's more important is
the second edition of magazine was released
even earlier than the first one!
What the~~!!!
Ok.. Fine! Never mind...
Yet what did we get after such long waiting?
Are we deserved to wait for so long?
Are we deserved to get blur photos?
Are we deserved to have such "good quality" of work?
Haiz ... ...
Wasted our efforts putting in the magazine,
our money, our time and our work!!
Never mind.
Don't talk about this stupid magazine.
I actually went back to trop to get my rewards~~
My rewards of working hard in SPM!
I missed the reward giving day,
- anugerah cemerlang, which was few weeks ago.
This reward giving day supposed to be held last year!!!
Again it's a long waiting for ONE YEAR!
I wonder how effective is the service of trop staffs!
Almost forgotten what have I done in secondary school life.
Just get to recall my temporary lost memories
after getting my certificates.
I get a total of 6 medals!
- Calon terbaik dalam SPM 2006 (12A)
- Tempat Pertama Tingkatan 5 Amanah (2006)
- Matapelajaran Terbaik bagi Fizik (2006)
- Matapelajaran Terbaik bagi Matematik (2006)
- Matapelajaran Terbaik bagi Bahasa Malaysia (2006)
- Matapelajaran Terbaik bagi Prinsip Akaun (2006)
Oh yeah~
What a surprise!
But what disappointed me was that
I failed to get the best in Additional Mathematics and Chinese.
I've been droolled over Add Math during form 4 and 5,
and dominated this two subjects over tests and exams in school
but at the end I didn't score the highest during trial exam.
You guys must be scolding me now for being so greedy!
Hahaha. Sorry~~
To my competitors,
sorry for grabbing away so many medals.
Not only science, but also language as well as art stream subject.
Couldn't believe that I'm able to cope with science,
solve math problems,
and being an expert in Malay language,
as well as proficient in account!!
Born genius!
Oh thank god for creating such a wonderful me!
wakakaka xD
Sorry for being OVER perasan! pai seh pai seh~~
Ok ok.. enough for self-praising session,
I know self praise is no praise.
I did get some money as a reward too!
Erm.. How much?
Ssshhhhhhhhhhh .................
Posted by qiqi89 at 9:39 PM 2 comments
嗯~ 我来借题发挥一下,为什么 无 试 一身轻 呢?
那就是 老舍的 《考而不死是为神》。
“考试制度是一切制度里最好的,它能把人支使得 不像人 了,而把 脑子 严格地分成 若干小块块 。一块装历史,一块装化学,一块。。。 。。。"
摆脱了当年为历史和化学而奋战到 不眠不休 的痛苦。
但每当考试时,都还是逃不过要把 脑袋 瓜分成 若干小块块 这一关。
今天数学,明天经济,然后又是一大堆 背不完 的原理。。。
真感叹 人生 短短几十年,为何要为考试而生?
为它煎熬,熬过无数个 不眠之夜 ,就一定会 前途无量 吗?
还是更准确地说,是 钱 途无量 ?
"赴考期间你别 自居为人 ,你是个只会 吐代数,吐历史 的 机器 。"
千真万确 地,考试时期真的不能把自己当人看,
最好是当一部 电池充足的 无敌 铁金刚 !
考试前一天,什么 吃饭?什么 睡觉? 统统都是 奢侈!
平时至少睡上 八小时 的人,考试时也可以 牺牲 睡眠 !
不读还好,一读可能连 肚子饿 都 懒得理会。
嗯。。。其实如果真的能到达这 废寝忘食 的最高境界 ,
那恐怕我的胃早已被那所谓的 胃酸 腐蚀 干净了!
眼睛 也一定比熊猫的 更黑!更“有神”!哈哈!
说穿了,要到这个 最高境界 ,我还是有待努力的!
但有一样是无可否认地,就是上了 战场后 ,我是真的会变 机器 的!
战场上的 冷 酷 (其实是冷气太冷。。。),
身体上的 皮肉之苦(其实是肚子饿啦。。。还有人有三急),
这些我都可以抛诸脑后,变成一个 没有知觉 的 吐答案 机器 。。。
“最难的是考作文。在化学与物理中间,忽然叫你“人生于世”。你的脑子本来已分成若干小块,分得四四方方,清清楚楚,忽然来了个没有准地方的东西,东扑扑个空,西扑扑个空,除了出汗没有合适的方法。你的 心已冷 两三天,忽然叫你拿出情绪作文,要痛快淋漓,慷慨激昂。假如题目是“爱国论”或“天下兴亡匹夫有责”,你的心要是不跳吧,笔下便 无血 无泪 ;跳吧,下午还考物理呢。把定律们都跳出去,或是跳个 乱七八糟 ,爱国是爱了,而定律一乱则没有人替你整理,怎办?”
无可否认地,学校就是爱这样 玩弄 学生。
一下要你用 左脑,一下又要你发挥你的 右脑。
到底想 怎样 ?
这 责任的矛头 还的确该指向负责 编排考试时间表 的人身上。
难道你们不知道人的大脑分成 左右 两侧,功能 大不一样 吗?
它们分別 掌管 不同的事情,左脑 偏重于 逻辑思考,
右脑 则偏重于 图像式 思考,也是人类发挥潜能的重要关键。
更何况,不是每个人的左右脑都能 运用自如!
有些却刚好成对比,艺术细胞 比一般人强!
那么仔细想想,理科 和 语文科,能编排在同一天吗?
理科 应用逻辑思维,而 作文 却 恰恰相反 。
它必须要 感性、无限 想象力 和 天马行空 的思维
才能写出一篇即让人 感动,又不失 创意 的 好文章。
所以,现在不只是考的人要 聪明,
连编排时间表的人也一定要有 智慧 才行!
否则,身为学生的,白白被 折腾 了老半天,
算了,反正我现在已摆脱考作文的 煎熬,
“这样考下去,你把各样功课都吐个不大离,好了,你现在现原形了。睡上一天一夜。醒来一切 茫然,代数历史化学诸般武艺 通通 忘掉。。。。。。”
无忧无虑 地,实在 轻松!
但是考完试后, 不只是 半日,就连 一日,甚至 一百日
都已经落在你的 手心 里,因为等着你的就是那 漫长 的假期!
优哉游哉哦!!难怪说 醒来一切茫然 啦!
考试完毕,什么历史、数学,甚至人生大道理都可以 抛到九霄云外 !
果然是 无 试 一身轻!
“说回来,考试制度还是最好得很制度,被考死的自然无须用提。假若考而不死。你就 放胆 活下去吧,这已明明告诉你,你是 十世童男转身。”
考死 ?说死就死,那么容易吗?都说了《考而不死是为神》。
既然考完了,我还 活生生 地站在这里,那我真的是 神仙 啦!
考完试真的是 “快乐过神仙” 啊!
算了吧!考试都考不死,还担心成绩把我 吓死 吗?
倒不如趁现在刚考完试,放胆玩个 痛快 吧!
Posted by qiqi89 at 11:25 PM 0 comments
I wonder ... ...
how on earth I get so lucky to have such memorable birthday?
I wonder ... ...
who on earth am I to have such lovely family and friends to remember my birthday?
I wonder ... ...
where on earth I'll have others as caring as they do?
I wonder ... ...
what on earth is the best thing of life other than family and friendships?
I wonder ... ...
which day on earth is gonna be more meaningful than today?
I wonder ... ...
when on earth again I'll be inspired to write like now?
Boon Chie? Obviously is me without having the need to ask!
my youngest brother - Boon Quan
Hey hey~ happy birthday to you too my cute little nephew!
this is the way he smiles when being asked to 'say cheese'~
Three birthday cakes
yes it's me having my cake on the table!
and this is my youngest brother who just dislike to take photos.
The leftover cakes.
To be honest, choc. banana cake tastes nicer than the mango one.
We've learned a lesson,
people always say don't judge a book by its cover,
next time remember don't judge a cake by its appearance.
Alright alright, now I'm gonna bring you guys to another celebration~!
And this is exactly on my actual birthday
- 3rd of May -
My caring friends are just being so nice to arrange all these for me,
called up and gathered my buddies,
prepared for my surprise (although you all fail, hahaha!)
and even bought me presents.
M U A C K S M U A C K S M U A C K S ~~!!!
Kisses special for you guys!
Special thanks to
who organize everything and drove me to One Utama.
Also to the present. Thanks for his sister, Veron!
one of the organizer too!
Jun Yih & Hui Mun,
thanks for the present!
thanks for the special 19 wishes for 19 years old me!
yean sia, kok weng, weng hong & chiew fei,
thanks for coming to celebrate my birthday.
Ai Ling and Huai Foong,
thanks for the present although you girls were not free to come.
Also to some others who have wished me
(>^.^)> thanks again for remembering me <(^.^<)
Suck the milk tea !!
Hui Mun and me
Jun Yih and me
Alex don't give me this kind of expression, as if you're pissed off !
Kok Weng and Weng Hong
Hey hey~ birthday girl here!
Birthday cake again! This is the second one for 19th years old!
hey POON KOK WENG! How dare you don't know my name?
my name is 棋 !!! not 琪 !!!
Wooh! CcL you're damn chun~ super yeng ler!
hehehe. guess where are we now? NEWAY!!
Yean Sia and Kok Weng
Posers~~ =.=''
Hey you stay away from me~! better get out!
Weng Hong act cute!
geli ~ why suddenly sit like that?
Alex and Hui Mun
my best buddy !
Ooh ooh~ Kok Weng you're caught in this pose!
One more~!
See this two fellows desperately urging for food? They are so happy!
Simon also get caught in this funny pose!
b.ChiE and h.MuN
Squeeze squeeze our faces~~
Group photo session~ Wait!
somebody sedang syok sendiri at the back!
Ooh~! Somebody need to stand like that in order to sing better! xD
Dah dang~!! again a zoom in photo of this standing person~
Omg ! look like pig~!!
huh? don't like to sing, like to camwhore?
Using reflection somemore ... ... =.=
Dah dang~! It's time to reveal what's inside the packages!
this is present from Alex and his sister.
present from Jun Yih
present from Hui Mun, Ai Ling and Huai Foong!
What's inside the big box?
Huh? messy like rubbish~ hahaha.
Dang dang dang dang~!! Here they are~
Snacks for my long long holidays coming soon!
Posted by qiqi89 at 11:44 PM 0 comments