Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Don't know what happen to me today.
I just get annoyed easily for no reason ... ...
Somehow I'm not feeling well,
I want to get rid of the sore throat and flu as soon as possible.
Don't feel like eating, cuz no appetite;
don't feel like talking, cuz having hoarse voice;
don't feel like going for class, cuz it's too sleepy to concentrate ... ...
I almost get frustrated with Mr Chiew
that didn't want to tell us the answer directly
even though we failed to figure it out after so long.
Luckily that frustration only lasted for a while,
and I managed to control it.
Then when it comes to driving home after class,
I get mad with those drivers on the road ... ...
Deep to the bottom of my heart,
I was scolding those slow drivers
and kept thinking ways to overtake them.
I wanted to reach home faster,
thus I drove faster,
tried my best to keep those slow drivers away from me.
It happened a few times that I felt like horning them
but luckily I didn't.
Haiz ... ...
Just don't know why I'm annoyed with these kinda small matters.
Sitting calmly and think back now,
do they really bother me so much until I need to get mad??!!


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