Monday, January 28, 2008

Bye Bye, Long Hair

I have been decided to cut my hair since last month.
Finally after empty talks for a month, I take action on it.
I reached the saloon at 3.35pm, but only get to leave by 7.30pm.
So many process, of course it is time consuming.
After so many hours sitting there,
I finally say bye bye to my lovely long hair.
It's unbelievable that I really cut until so short.
Don't know where did I get this spirit.
Suddenly become so BRAVE~! Hahaha.
Some of them thought I cut my hair
because I have met unhappy problems
and I'm puzzled.
But I wanna tell you all,
don't think too much,
I'm just enjoying my life by trying new stuffs.
Life is too short to worry about uncertainties in the future.
Let's just have fun by doing extraordinary things.

My long hair being cut and fell on the floor. It has been following me since last year.
And now I'm gonna say goodbye forever to it.

Different angle of my super short hair.
My brand new look before perm and colour.

My hair colour is changing~


My brand new image for this coming CNY


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