Sunday, February 1, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year Everyone ~

It's already the 7th day of CNY.
Though it might be kind of late,
still I wanna wish everyone a prosperous new year ^^
Yesterday was the day which we were invited by Cheese to his house,

just for a gathering actually, merely gambling and eating SNACKS !
Oh don't blame me for writing these . . . *sorry*

. . . . . .

dear cheese, the phrase "I Need to PREPARE" in your sms really did confuse us,
we thought you're preparing dinner for us so we went there with empty stomach,
waiting to be filled by you. *All hungry monsters . . . * LOL

Anyway we enjoyed the gathering. So don't worry. Had fun there !
Thanks so much for organising this, ordering pizzas for us.
Also my very much appreciation to you . . . & simon . . .
for sponsoring me some pocket money. LOL


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